Course Syllabus


PSB 4002: Introductory Bio-Psychology

Florida International University Fall 2018

Professor Eliza Nelson

Course Description and Purpose

PSB 4002 is a course introducing students to the biological basis of behavior. The course is organized into three units: (1) neural foundations, (2) sensory systems and homeostasis, and (3) complex behavior. Topics include neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, sleep, stress, memory, and brain asymmetry.  

Course Objectives

Upon completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe and explain how the nervous system works
  • Critically discuss the reciprocal relationship between biology and psychology
  • Understand typical and atypical brain-behavior relationships

Important Information

Before starting this course, please review important information regarding online coursework at FIU. You must be logged into Canvas with your FIU credentials to access the following pages:

Course Prerequisites

There are no prerequisites for this course.

Proctored Exam Policy

This course requires a proctored final exam. Please visit our Student Proctored Exam Instructions webpage and the Honorlock Instructions webpage for important information.


Textbook and Course Materials

The Mind’s Machine: Foundations of Brain and Behavior, Second Edition  

  • Neil V. Watson, Simon Fraser University
  • Marc Breedlove, Michigan State University
  • 471 pp. / Published:  09/21/2015 



Loose Leaf



ISBN 9781605355542

via Redshelf, VitalSource, Chegg




ISBN 9781605354446






ISBN 9781605352763





You may purchase your textbook online at the FIU Bookstore. Students can also receive 20% off by buying from the publisher, Oxford University Press,  or by phone 800-280-0280 with the promo code NORTON2018.

Companion Website

A companion website for the textbook is available at no charge. The companion website is a study tool, and not a substitute for buying the textbook.

Expectations of this Course

This is a fully online course in which all of the instructional materials and activities are delivered through Canvas. Please maintain a courteous and professional manner even though you might never meet your professor or your classmates in person. Time spent on this online course is no different from time you would expect to spend in a typical face-to-face course. Beginning Week 2, assignments are due on Wednesdays by 5 pm, and quizzes are due on Fridays by 5 pm. Thanksgiving week is an exception; no work is due during the holiday.

Students are expected to:

  • Be responsible for their own learning
  • Log in to the course at least three times per week
  • Follow the course calendar
  • Interact online with instructor/s and peers
  • Respond to emails within two business days
  • Read assigned chapters in the textbook and take notes
  • Review instructor-provided course material including lectures and videos
  • Submit assignments and quizzes by the due date

The professor will:

  • Log in to the course at least three times per week
  • Respond to emails within one business day
  • Grade assignments within three days of the due date
  • Be available in office hours and by appointment for course questions and concerns


Office Hours Policy

Dr. Nelson has scheduled office hours Mondays 11:00 am - 1:00 pm in DM 201A during the Fall 2018 semester. You can also make an in-person meeting for another time, or schedule a phone meeting. If you are struggling with the material, please contact Dr. Nelson ASAP ( If a significant personal or medical problem arises, do not wait to contact Dr. Nelson to make appropriate arrangements. Do not wait until it’s too late to get help!


Email Policy

Please address your email “Dear Professor Nelson” and sign your name at the bottom. Include your PID in all correspondence. Dr. Nelson and any teaching assistant staff reserve the right not to respond to unprofessional emails. In this course, the response time for an email is 1 business day.



    For detailed instructions, please review the Important Information About Assignments page. Assignments are a mix of exercises. Grading criteria are provided with each assignment.  Assignments use discussion forums. Keep in mind that your discussion forum postings will be seen by other members of the course. Care should be taken when determining what to post.



    In order to mitigate any issues with your computer and online assessments, it is very important that you take the Practice Quiz from each computer you will be using to take your graded quizzes. Please review the Important Information About Quizzes page. Quizzes in this course are designed to be a mix of lower order questions testing knowledge and comprehension as well as higher order questions testing application and analysis.


    Cumulative Final

    There is a cumulative proctored final in this course. Please review the Important Information About Quizzes page. There are also separate pages with Honorlock Instructions and Honorlock FAQs. It is your responsibility to ensure you are compliant with the proctored exam policies. Do not wait until the last minute to arrange to take your final.



    This course uses the FIU Early Alert System. Alerts are sent to students and their advisors after the first exam. Dr. Nelson may also send you a personal email if you are struggling in the course. It is your best interest to respond to these efforts to help you through the course. FIU does not allow an A+. Psychology majors are required to earn a C or higher (i.e., at least 695 points in this course). Standard rounding to the nearest percentage is used to determine final letter grades. Requests for exceptions to the grading policy will not be honored. Extra credit is available in this course. All extra credit is due by 5 pm on November 30th. 


    Course Requirement Number of Items Points for Each Total Points Available Weight
    Assignments 12 25 300 30%
    Quizzes 12 50 600 60%
    Cumulative Final 1 100 100 10%
    Total 25 Varies 1000 100%


    Please note that the Total column in Canvas may not accurately reflect your performance until the course is complete. You can contact Dr. Nelson anytime for your standing. 


    Letter Range Letter Range Letter Range
    A 95 or above B 83 - 86 C 70 - 76
    A- 90 - 94 B- 80 - 82 D 60 - 69
    B+ 87 - 89 C+ 77 - 79 F 59 or below


    What happens if I miss an assessment?

    Make-up work is only permitted for excused absences with dated documentation. An excused absence includes, but is not limited to:

    • doctor’s visit (for yourself or immediate relatives)
    • pet emergency
    • athletic events
    • FIU-related scholarly events (e.g., conference)
    • death in the family
    • religious observances
    • car accident

    Examples of unexcused absences:

    • forgetfulness 
    • weather
    • traffic
    • parking
    • vacation

    As soon as you are able to, contact Dr. Nelson directly by email ( Work-related excuses will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Approved work-related excuses are one-time absences, not regular occurrences.  Do not take this class if it conflicts with your work schedule. Do not wait until the end of the semester to discuss an ongoing situation with your professor. If you have an issue completing work due to technical problems, email Dr. Nelson immediately.


    How does extra credit work in this course?

    Dr. Nelson posted a set of articles with corresponding questions in Module S | Extra Credit. Each completed article is worth 3.75 points (credited as 1.25 points per question). If you complete all 12 articles, you get a 5 point bonus. You can do as much or as little extra credit as you want. Doing all the extra credit it is possible to improve your grade by 5% (50 points). It can mean the difference between letter grades so please take this opportunity seriously. Extra credit is added to your Module Assignment grades. Extra credit is due by 5 pm Friday November 30th via email to Dr. Nelson ( Keep in mind that email is timestamped, and 5:01 pm is considered late. Format your work as a single attachment (.pdf, .docx, or .doc only). Name your file with your first and last names and your panther ID. Please use only Arial 12 point font with 1-inch margins. Failure to follow formatting directions will result in your work being returned. Dr. Nelson processes extra credit in the order it was received. You will get a confirmation email when your points have posted. Do not send your assignment more than once. You are encouraged to submit your extra credit early in the semester. Keep in mind that the cumulative final and extra credit are due on the same date. It is your responsibility to plan accordingly. 


    FIU Panther Care and CAPS Services

    If you are looking for help for yourself or a fellow classmate, Panthers Care encourages you to express any concerns you may come across as it relates to any personal behavior concerns or worries, for the classmate’s well-being or yours. You are encouraged to share your concerns with FIU’s Panthers Care website.

    Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers free and confidential help for anxiety, depression, stress, and other concerns that life brings. Learn more about CAPS.  Professional counselors are available for same-day appointments. Don’t wait to call 305-348-2277 to set up a time to talk or visit the online self-help portal.

    Course Summary:

    Date Details Due